Globelle Travels

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Joelle Riding

Joelle exploring the vastness of the Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, USA

I'll be the first to admit there was a season of my life where I was traveling for Instagram. To cross off items on my list. I got caught up in looking for the "top Instagram spots" in a location instead of letting a city reveal its own beauty to me. In a world of perfect travel accounts, it's easy to want to imitate that in hopes of growing your following.

But after awhile, I started to feel empty. I started to feel like there was nothing about my travels that was special and unique to me. I was following the same tourist paths, seeing the same buildings and spots as everyone else. And I didn't like it.

After that realization, I made a change. I started to travel for me. To become comfortable with being uncomfortable. To photograph fleeting moments. To learn how people in other parts of the world live, think, and act. To experience humility and realize how little you need to be happy. To smash the stigma and stereotypes of certain countries. And lastly, to inspire others like me to get out there.

So I encourage you to ask yourself, why do you travel?

 | Lexington, Kentucky, USA | 23 | Currently exploring Kentucky, USA |

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